Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The David and Goliath Story.

Taking a cue from 1 Samuel We hear the story of a small boy slaying a giant with a single blow from his sling. The Republican/ Conservative party in the US must look to David for our inspiration. The Lumbering giant of the democratic party has at it's core a fatal flaw an Achilles heal so obvious and so vulnerable that most conservatives and republicans overlook it. The Democratic party is based on the belief that they can create equality through government. Throughout history governments have touted the premise that they and they alone can create a Utopian workers society (sound familiar). The ant colony where everyone tows his share and live for the greater good. The democratic Achilles heal. The flaw the reality is that it has been tried it has been done to death and failed miserably every single time. The list USSR,PROC, PROVN,PROY, TPROR,TPROU. The Initials are for the uninformed . The Union Of Soviet Socialist States,The Peoples Republic OF China ect ect ect.
Look to the past of these ultra liberal athiest giants and what do you see,corrupt governments and very unhappy economies.
The sling the conservatives must use to finish off the Goliath of the Jack ass party is lessons in history. Not the revisionist history taught by liberal tenured ideologues but real history written in stone by the people who lived through it.

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