Friday, May 22, 2009

The Change in Definition

The new administration seems to be relabeling everything and everyone with a kinder gentler hand. Islamic Terrorists are now called unhappy middle eastern friends.The war on terror is now called the war on man made catasrophes. with this new approach I thought I would help Barry and Nancy and Harry with their new approach and offer some suggestions .
A Mexican Illigal should be called a wayward traveling amigo. The failing overtaxation policy of California and Massachusetts should be called the democratic party plan. The new approach of treating drug dealers and users with treatment and therapy should be called what it really is "useless".

John Taylor and Oscar wilde had two different opinions on calling a spade a spade Taylor preffered to label things as they are, Wilde preffered to label things in the most flattering light.
Reality check, you can call a terrorist Mr Rogers but when the bomb goes off you still die.

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