Sunday, August 29, 2010

link to Marco For Senate

Why both sides have it wrong: Biblical References to the resolution of Christian / Muslim Conflict.

Why both sides have it wrong: Biblical References to the resolution of Christian / Muslim Conflict.

The conflict between the Muslims and the Christians has grown to reach across the entire planet from Chechnya to Arabia to New York and Los Angeles. The conflict between the two sides of righteousness has run the spectrum of civility. We see it in the nightly news, in the faces of anger at rallies and protests and at the world government the UN.
What we don’t see is that both sides are wrong in their belief. The Muslim world looks at the west as a corrupt materialistic society trying to overrun the world with their MTV and their sex sells mentality. The Christian world looks at the Muslim world as an anachronistic holier than thou society that wishes to enforce a strict theocracy on the west.
Well in My opinion both sides have it wrong, terribly wrong. I am not saying that the west is not a materialistic society trying to overrun the world with its hedonistic ideas. Many in the west are trying to do exactly that. There are also many in Islam that are trying to bring about a world Caliphate to govern all nations under Islamic law. The reality is not all Muslims and not all Westerners (Christians & Jews) fall under these two stereotypes.
My personal opinion is that what is happening today is not only the correct path for both nations (Islam & Christianity ) but it was foretold and is Gods plan for the world.
The evidence that this is the right path lies in the Qur’an and The Bible. Being that I am not an Islamic Scholar I will not discuss the Qur’an in this text. I will however discuss the foundation of Gods covenant with Man.
The Biblical references that I speak of are all contained in the First book of the Bible, Genesis. Genesis is probably the least read text in the Bible. Most Christians view the Old Testament as irrelevant and not applicable to today’s modern life. However if we look at Genesis, especially the Story of Abraham we see the beginning of a conflict that has grown from simple house hold animosity to world wide conflict.
Genesis 17 As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations. And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.
This passage reveals that God has a binding contract with all of Abraham’s children. This scripture is a glimpse into the mind of God; it states an everlasting relationship without designation of religious affiliation or ethnic background.
The text further tells that Islam is born from the Children of Abraham and is blessed by God from the very beginning.
And God said unto Abraham, Thou shalt keep my covenant therefore, thou, and thy seed after thee in their generations.
And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee: Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation.
4And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and took bread, and a bottle of water, and gave it unto Hagar, putting it on her shoulder, and the child, and sent her away: and she departed, and wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba.

15And the water was spent in the bottle, and she cast the child under one of the shrubs. 16And she went, and sat her down over against him a good way off, as it were a bow shot: for she said, Let me not see the death of the child. And she sat over against him, and lift up her voice, and wept. 17And God heard the voice of the lad; and the angel of God called to Hagar out of heaven, and said unto her, What aileth thee, Hagar? fear not; for God hath heard the voice of the lad where he is. 18Arise, lift up the lad, and hold him in thine hand; for I will make him a great nation.
This simple act of blessing by God to a distraught mother divulges the truth about Gods view of The Children of Ishmael. He wishes them to live and prosper, without any constraint or malice.
The Story of Genesis tells of the settling of a vast tract of land by a Family beginning with Abraham and his sons. The absence of judgment by Abraham toward one son or the other discloses that Abraham loved both of his sons. Abraham was faced with a decision to force one son in to exile to appease his wife’s animosity. God blessed both Sons and Genesis counts the offspring of Isaac and Ishmael as forefathers of great nations.
These are the sons of Ishmael, and these are their names, by their towns, and by their castles; twelve princes according to their nations. 17And these are the years of the life of Ishmael, an hundred and thirty and seven years: and he gave up the ghost and died; and was gathered unto his people. 18And they dwelt from Havilah unto Shur, that is before Egypt, as thou goest toward Assyria: and he died in the presence of all his brethren.
19And these are the generations of Isaac, Abraham's son: Abraham begat Isaac: 20And Isaac was forty years old when he took Rebekah to wife, the daughter of Bethuel the Syrian of Padanaram, the sister to Laban the Syrian. 21And Isaac intreated the LORD for his wife, because she was barren: and the LORD was intreated of him, and Rebekah his wife conceived. 22And the children struggled together within her; and she said, If it be so, why am I thus? And she went to enquire of the LORD.
The Veiled reference of two nations in her womb, I believe symbolizes the conflict in every relationship. Cain and Abel, Jesus and Satan, Moses and Pharaoh, Sarah and Hagar all have conflict, yet all play a role in the lessons of the Bible.
23And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manners of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger. 24And when her days to be delivered were fulfilled, behold, there were twins in her womb.

In these passages lie the key to resolution between our two faiths. We as Muslims and Christians must recognize we are children of the same Father. We must learn to set aside our hatred and our differences and embrace our common heritage. We are caught in a three way conflict. Much like a Mother in Law conflicted with her Daughter in Law the Son fights in two directions. He cannot win this three way conflict as no one can ever win. Christian, Jew and Muslim caught in a three way conflict over a plot of land. We must see this conflict as a test, not of our piety but of our ability to come together to find common ground and in the end learn to live together with Gods Blessing.
The end of Abraham’s story is where we must take our queue.

And his sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah, in the field of Ephron. 10The field which Abraham purchased of the sons of Heth: there was Abraham buried, and Sarah his wife.
In the End we must set aside our difference and come together. We must recognize that we all are sons of the same God and the same Father. Messages from God come not only from Mohammad but from Jesus, Moses, and Abraham. We must recognize that men who seek to destroy sons of Jews or sons of Islam are evil. We must recognize that conflict for the sake of conflict is against God’s plan. We must believe in the end, we must come together to end this hatred and replace it with Blessing.

Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they shall be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God.
Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God
The Peacemakers are the children of God. This is the key for all of us. When you disparage Islam or you take up arms against Christians or you speak out against Jews you are going against Gods blessing. You do not decide who is right or wrong you have no authority to judge, you have no authority to punish a man for his belief. The Salvation for all lies not by the will of man, but by the guidance of God.

17For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
The world through Him Might be saved. What an odd saying; might be saved.
This passage is another revealing look into the mind of God. This statement reflects the idea that, we as humans can pursue our evil selfish ways of hatred towards people of different faiths or we can make a conscious choice to make peace and love our enemies and save ourselves. In the End the Choice is all ours.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Terrorist comparison

Looking from afar we are almost dumbfounded by the ability of a human being to strap himself or herself full of explosives and rush into a crowded building and detonate themselves into a raging fireball. The thought of someone so willing to die to kill innocents seems to us as bordering on lunacy. The idea that anyone in their right mind would support a heinous act such as this must be truly despicable. Well not so fast people.
Since 1836 hundreds of thousands of Irish immigrants have crossed onto these shores. They have carved out a prosperous niche in our country. Persecuted and plagued by prejudice and discrimination the Irish in the US have risen to great heights and have made their mark in the Military , Law Enforcement and politics. So what does the Irish have to do with Terrorism?
In 1916 Ireland was engaged in a great conflict with it's colonial conqueror Great Brittan. The Irish Catholics waged a guerrilla war of Terrorism against the English and then later on the Loyalist Irish.
The Irish in the US supported these terrorist acts with cash,supplies, guns, explosives , personnel and training. The Irish Republican Army relied heavily on American wealth and
Irish Americans for their support. The Irish British conflict became an impasse and was resolved only after Northern Ireland was divided from the National Government. This resolution is probably the only solution for the Palestinian Israeli Conflict. The country must be Divided permanently or the killing will continue.

They are not the Borg

Recently the Whole country has been raging about the idea of placing an Islamic center at the Location near ground zero. I can fully understand the reaction from all sides. The People of New York are divided between the idea of freedom of religion and the lack of condemnation by the Muslim world for the terrible act of terrorism that took place on 9-11. Most Americans remember the Muslim world cheering in the streets as the Two world trade center towers burned and then fell to the ground. That has left a terrible taste in our mouths ever since that fateful day. The people of the United States collectively picked ourselves up brushed off our National pride and got to work kicking the shit out of the people we found to be the culprits. That has been going on for ten years now with no end in sight. The time has come to face our fears and our realities like Americans with truth and justice for all. How do we do that ? First of all, we have to realise that Muslims are not the Borg. If you do not know who the Borg is they are an Alien race of part machine part humanoid creature who conquer world and assimilate the population transforming them into mindless automatons. Muslims are not Borg they are Human beings that span the entire religious spectrum from non compliant to moderate to fanatical . They are fathers who love their sons and daughters, they are soccer moms, doctors, lawyers and yes cab drivers. But first and foremost Muslims are human beings with the same aspirations and dreams as any other.
Many Muslim clerics use their faith as a base of power preaching the need to conquer the Infidel lands and convert the unclean. These Clerics have corrupted the Islamic faith in their own pursuit of political power. This is common to many religious sects. We as Americans cannot allow this minority of religious power brokers to skew our view of Islam.
We as Americans must regain our foothold on our own faith and demonstrate to these Islamic terrorists that we are tolerant but will never allow them to replace our faith with their subjugation. We as Americans must weed out the root of the conflict with the Muslim world, that conflict lies within the state of Israel. For 60 years the Israeli government has displace the Palestinian people from their homes. The Israelis have bulldozed thousands of Palestinian homes to make way for apartment buildings set up for millions of Jews emigrating from Europe.
This situation has created a political lighting rod to draw Muslims to the radical belief that the US is evil. We as Americans need to stop blaming our selves or our policies for these types of problems. Like immigration ,drop out rates of high school kids and divorce we need to start tackling these problems at the source instead of blaming ourselves and others for the consequences.
To stop the flood of Mexicans into the US we must tackle the problem of poverty in Mexico. To solve the problem of terrorism we must root out the source.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Debate about whether to place an Islamic Office building with a Prayer center inside near Ground Zero has become an emotional hot button . Many people have weighed in and there seems to be a consensus among most People that it is insensitive and insulting. I look at this issue from a broader context. When I look at New York and it’s inhabitants I think of a lost group of people who worship Money and secularism. I believe their instincts are selfish and misguided. My personal politics are very far right and my opinion about Islam is probably not Mainstream. I respect Islamic people for their dedication to their faith. Their dedication comes with a price especially here in The US.
I think it is time for the People of the US to start building skyscrapers dedicated to something Holy. Throughout History the tallest buildings in our communities have always been Churches. The Islamic people put their religion first in all things I believe we can learn from them and somehow regain our own righteousness and give up this selfish materialism and move on to a more peaceful and charitable coexistence with our Muslim Brothers and Sisters

Russell A Leach CSA MMA PA

Monday, January 4, 2010

DNA banks

Russell A Leach

February 25,2008

Genetic Banks and Civil Rights

Baker A. (19 Jan 2008) Genetic Bank Raises Issues of Practicality and Privacy New York Times

In an article in the New York Times, Alan Baker, talks about the Mayor of New York’s, proposal to take DNA samples from all persons suspected of a committing a crime in the city. This Proposal brings up questions of DNA testing and DNA data, and how it effects civil rights. The purpose of this paper is to explore the issues of DNA testing and DNA data, as it pertains to civil rights.
Bosch(2003) outlines the United Nations(UN), stance on how Human genetic data should be handled. Bosch(2003) states the international Bioethics committee, demands, protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the collection, processing and use of human genetic data, and that this demand is an important safeguard for the protection of civil rights. Bosch(2003) also relates that the position of the United Nations, to insure the use of genetic data, be limited to prior consent, unless derived by due process of the law. Bosch(2003) also relates that the UN wants only genetic data from convicted criminals to be stored and data collected from innocent suspects be destroyed.
Wall(2005)tells the story of a 13 year old girl, who was arrested in Great Britain for throwing a snow ball at a police car. Wall(2005)describes how this girl’s genetic data is now and forevermore in the National Forensic Criminal Database. Wall(2005)discusses the British governments’ power to collect and use genetic data and how that power may be used to identify, restrict and discriminate against persons the government might deem undesirable. Wall(2005)also relates the concerns of a group called Genwatch, who worry that the same tactics of data collection were used by the fascists and communist in their reign of terror during the last century. The states right, to take DNA samples also raises the question of genetic privacy and the rights of individuals.
Kaye(2006)argues against professor Tracy Maclin’s statement that taking and analyzing a DNA sample without a warrant constitutes a search of a person and that search is unconstitutional in the United States and cannot be justifies under the fourth amendment#. Kaye(2006) goes on to discuss the close relationship between fingerprint data and genetic data and their use to not only convict but to exclude suspects. Kaye(2006) argues that biometric data is not randomly taken or randomly assigned, but used within the limits of the legal system.
Rothstein and Talbot(June 2006) point out the relatively new application of genetic data in the field of law enforcement, and how its application has spread very quickly without oversight or regulation.
Rothstein (June 2006) also relates the huge success genetic profiling has had in solving crimes, seemingly unsolvable twenty years ago. Rothstein(June 2006) also relates the story of British law enforcement, doing genetic dragnets, by testing every male person in a small town, to catch a rapist. By DNA testing all suspects that fit a certain description in a certain area, they have been very successful in capturing and convicting criminals. Rothstein ( 2006) goes on to relate the fact, that these tests are done on a volunteer basis and most people give their samples willingly.
In an editorial written for the New Scientist Journal, the editor discusses a lawsuit filed by the ACLU, to prevent the California legislature from passing a law that would have everyone arrested for a felony submit a DNA sample for testing and storage (Editorial 2005). The editor(Editorial 2005)discusses the similarity of the California law to the laws of England and Whales. The editor also relates the fact that like the United Kingdom system, the California database has no regulatory body or oversight and that the administration that oversees the system, answers to no one(Editorial 2005).
I have concluded that the field of genetic testing and genetic identification has become a valuable tool in the crime fighting arsenal. DNA tests are not only solving crimes but absolving wrongly charged individuals. The fact that Genetic data is a valuable tool does not dismiss the fact that there is a huge potential for abuse. Genetic test results can be used in several ways to discriminate and exclude people from all kinds of activities. Because of the potential for misuse, there is a great need for oversight and regulation to prevent abuse.

Baker A. (19 Jan 2008) Genetic Bank Raises Issues of Practicality and Privacy New York Times
Bosch X.(3 July 2003) UN Agency Sets Out Global Rules For Protecting Genetic Data The Lancet v.362 iss.9377 p.45
Editorial (9 April 2005) Your DNA In Their Hands New Scientist v.186 iss.2494 p.3-3
Kaye D.H. (June 2006) Who Needs Special Needs: On the constitutionality Of Collecting DNA And Other Biometric Data
The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics v.34 iss.2 p.188-198
Rothstein M. & Talbot M. (June 2006)The Expanding use of DNA testing in Law Enforcement: What Role Privacy The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics v.34 iss.2 p.153-164
Wall T. (25 April 2005) A simple Prank By A Thirteen Year Old New Statesman V.134 iss.4737 p.32-33

Prisoners rights

Russell A Leach

February 18, 2008

Prisoners Rights in the Criminal Justice system

Crary D. (12 Feb 2008) Law Curbing Inmates Lawsuits Questioned Associated Press

In an article written for the Associated Press, David Crary discusses the impact a federal law curtailing incarcerated men and womens’rights to file lawsuits against the penal system has had on the prisoners welfare.
My purpose in this review is to examine the status of prisoner’s rights in the United States and abroad.
Smith (2007) discusses the Supreme Courts decisions limiting prisoners in the United States from filing frivolous lawsuits. Smith (2007) also relates the huge growth of the amount of people incarcerated in the US prison system causing a logjam in the judicial system. Smith (2007) then talks about the US systems well balanced approach to provide prisoners with fair and equitable treatment and redress during the William Rehnquist Supreme Court era.
In stark contrast Viljoen (2005) tells of the atrocious human rights violations and prisoner abuses in the prisons of the eleven African Union Nations visited by the Author. Viljoen (2005) discusses the African Unions’ efforts to address human rights issues and prison conditions in Africa. Kozlova (2008) talks about the Uzbekistan governments’ efforts to abolish torture and abuses in the jails and prisons of their country. The author discusses past abuses and relates torture and murder of prisoners at the hands of the guards and jailors in the Uzbek system (Kozlova 2007).
Kozlova (2007) also recounts the Uzbekistan Governments’ commitment to ensuring human and civil rights to prisoners in all of the municipal and federal penal institutions.
Zinger (2006) talks about the new approach in the Canadian criminal justice system to incarceration being more Spartan and more austere in its application of criminal punishment. Zinger (2006) cites the war on terror giving legitimacy to a more law and order approach to prison systems, which in turn can jeopardize civil rights of the prisoners. Zinger (2006) also communicates the need for more external oversight, to ensure human and civil rights for persons behind bars. Zinger (2006) conveys that the status of prisoners’ civil and human rights in Canada, The United States and most of Europe is by far more reasonable, than in most of Central and South America. He States that South American prisons are for the most part decaying buildings with poor sanitation and deplorable living conditions (Zinger 2006). Zinger (2006) also relates that the socioeconomic status of a country is not always reflected in its treatment of prisoners.
In 2000 Livingstone wrote about the European prisoners using the European Convention to address grievances and civil rights violations. Livingstone (2000) also related the need for a judicial review of prisoner’s grievances and judicial oversight of the prisons, instead of the prisoners having to appeal to international political bodies for redress. Livingstone (2000) also discusses the need for a European Union(EU) standard for prisoner’s rights within the jurisdiction and that an EU commission should be set up to address prisoner’s grievances. Robertson (2007) Talks about oversight in the American prison system as being “underdeveloped and uneven” (p.181). Robertson (2007) relates that violence and inmate on inmate crime is the real measure of our success or failure in the US penal system and that the system is failing. Robertson (2007) also cites the 93% reduction of homicides within U.S. Prisons since 1996 as not reflecting an improvement of conditions. Robertson (2007) Relates the drop in prison homicides coincided with a rise of more stringent controls of prisoner’s movements and freedoms. Robertson (2007) believes that the rights of prisoners to redress grievances have been vastly reduced by the 1996 prison litigation reform act. Robertson (2007) proposes that this is evident in that prisoner filed lawsuits that have made it to the appellate level have been reduced by 30%.
I believe that the literature reflects an atmosphere of disdain for the prison systems world wide. The literature in most of the Journals and Academic publications tend to be very critical of the prisons and not the prisoners. My opinion is that prisons are not meant to be pleasant places and that prisoners are not meant to dictate policy. That being said, I believe the strides that are being made in the prison systems are going to improve the life of the prisoners and help society reform and rehabilitate some of the criminal element in its care.

Crary D. (12 Feb 2008) Law curbing inmates lawsuits questioned Associated Press htp://
Kozlova M. (January 7, 2008) The end of torture Transitions Online
Livingstone S. (2000) Prisoners rights in the context of European Convention on human rights Punishment & Society
V.2 Iss.3 p.309
Robertson J.E. (2007) Correctional case law 2006 Criminal Justice Review v.32 iss.2 p.181-202
Smith C.E. (Dec.2007) Prisoners rights and the Rehnquist Court era The Prison journal V.87 #4 p.457-476
Viljoen F. (2005) The Special rapporteur on prisons and conditions of detention in Africa Human Rights Quarterly
Zinger I. (April 2006) Human rights compliance and the role of external prison oversight Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice